Full Stack Developer


My Expertise

Fell into programming when I was a kid, never got out. I am passionate about new technologies, open source and Linux in particular. I studied computer science at the 42 school in Paris and started working in 2020. My main areas of expertise are web and blockchain technologies.


rust C golang

I started programming with the C language and it was my main language during my 5 years at 42. I picked up RUST soon after. It is my first choice for everything system or application related.


bash javascript python

If a simple task needs to be automated it probably can be done in Shell or in Python. For web projects I mainly use JavaScript, through frameworks like Node.js or Vue.js, or simply as a part of the native web stack.


linux vim git

I do almost everything in the terminal. Writing code, testing applications or maintenaning servers. I use the git workflow and standard commits to handle my programming projects.

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