Software Developer


My Expertise

Fell into programming when I was a kid, never got out. I am passionate about new technologies, open source and Linux in particular. I studied computer science at the 42 school in Paris and started working in 2020. My main areas of expertise are web and blockchain technologies.


rust C assembly

I started programming with the C language and it was my main language during my 5 years at 42. I picked up RUST soon after. It is my first choice for everything system or application related.


bash javascript python

If a simple task needs to be automated it probably can be done in Shell or in Python. For web projects I mainly use Javascript, through frameworks like Node.js or Vue.js, or simply as a part of the native web stack.


linux vim git

I do almost everything in the terminal. Writing code, testing applications or maintenaning servers. I use the git workflow and standard commits to handle my programming projects.

Featured Projects


  • Regex
  • ANSI C and Bash
  • System Programming

A small web application that lists the linux kernel syscalls for each available architecture. It does this with a script that parses the kernel's source code. Then static html pages are generated from the collected data.

Check it out

Drake Radio Simulator

  • Web Stack
  • 3D Modeling (three.js)
  • Mathematics and Physics

An interactive and visual representation of the Drake equation. It shows how extraterrestrial radio signals could travel across the milky way and reach the earth.

Check it out


  • Web Stack
  • PostgreSQL
  • RUST Rocket (HTTP Server)

Snapchat-like web application corresponding to 42's Camagru project. Users can login, take pictures through their webcam, upload pictures and add custom items on them. They can comment and like each other's pictures and delete their own posts.

Check it out